About The Workshop

The purpose of this one-day workshop is to provide new perspectives on Scottish history by transcending the traditional focus on the nation state. Preoccupied with the British Question, with emphasizing Scottish particularity and national distinctiveness, many practitioners of Scottish history have ignored the global turn, remaining overwhelmingly committed to a national framework. Indeed, in 2010, the Scottish Qualifications Authority Higher History in Scottish secondary schools was revised to include a mandatory unit on Scottish history, distinct from units on British, European and World history. In light of the global turn in historiography and as Scotland prepares for a referendum on independence in 2014, it becomes increasingly important to ask ‘how do we define Scottish history?

This conference aims to pose new questions and to shed light on old ones by placing Scotland’s history in a global context. Speakers will address major global concerns, including imperialism and warfare, from a Scottish perspective. They will examine Scotland’s role on the world stage; and by considering transregional interconnections and the exchanges of legal, political, economic and religious ideas, they will explore relationships between the individual, the local and the global.

Valerie Wallace

Fulbright Scottish Studies Scholar, sponsored by the Scottish Government



Speakers include:

David Armitage (Lloyd C. Blankfein Professor of History, Harvard University)

Bernard Bailyn (Adams University Professor and James Duncan Phillips Professor of Early American History, emeritus, Harvard University)

Colin Kidd (Professor of Intellectual History and the History of Political Thought, Queen’s University Belfast)

Emma Rothschild (Jeremy and Jane Knowles Professor of History, Harvard University)



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South Building, 1730 Cambridge Street
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For further information please contact Valerie Wallace.