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Friday, October 17


Welcome: Naomi Lamoreaux, Francesca Trivellato


Session 1: Law / Public and private credit
Chair: Claire Priest
Commentator: Emma Rothschild

Katherine Harris
The Statement & Account Clause

Tyson Leuchter
And He Showed Us the Abyss that had Opened Beneath his Feet: The Paris Stockbrokers, Liability, and Corporatism in Restoration France

Natacha Postel-Vinay
Debt Dilution in 1920s America: Lighting the Fuse of a Mortgage Crisis


Coffee break


Session 2: The Middle East
Chair: Alan Mikhail
Commentator: Julia Stephens

Simon Jackson
Debt and the Mandate: Imperial Central Banking and Consumer Credit in French Syria-Lebanon, 1918-1939

Nathan Marcus
The Tel Aviv Stock-Exchange and the creation of a Jewish Home in Palestine 1936-39

Casey Primel
Mitchell-Innes in Egypt: Colonial Rule and the Credit Theory of Money




Session 3: East Asia / Finance
Chair: Daniel Botsman
Commentator: Naomi Lamoreaux

Dong Yan
Formation of Public Bond Markets in late Qing and Republican China

Maura Dykstra
Local State Finance, Trade Organizations, and the Nineteenth-century State-building Turn in an Urban Center on Qing China's Southwestern Frontier

Holly Stephens
Good credit and bad associations: colonial policies and local credit networks in Korea, 1876-1932

3:45 -4:00



Session 4: International
Chair: Adam Tooze
Commentator: Rohit De

Erik Erlandson
Deregulating by Deferring to Discretion: The Impact of the Chevron Doctrine on American Financial Institutions, 1968-1987

Margarita Fajardo
Financing Development: Exchange Reform, International Lending, and the Pursuit of Development with Stability in Chile and Brazil, 1953-1956 Alden Young, Debt and Sovereignty: Sudanese economics between 1964 and 1969

Ted Fertik
Packaging Industrialization and Selling It: State-Guaranteed Export Financing and Industrial Exporters in Britain, Germany and the U.S.,1920-1940

Alden Young
Debt and Sovereignty: Sudanese economics between 1964 and 1969


Dinner for conference speakers

Saturday, October 18


Session 5: Asia / Agriculture
Chair: Emma Rothschild
Commentator: David Grewal

Debjani Bhattacharyya
Speculation and Profiteering: What is Economic about the Economy?

Sora Kim
Another Type of Rationality: the Principle of Land Taxation of the Korean Empire

Atiyab Sultan
Till Debt Do Us Apart: Colonial Vows and Peasant Woes in the Punjab


Coffee break


Session 6: Medieval/Early Modern
Chair: Naomi Lamoreaux
Commentator: Francesca Trivellato

Rowan Dorin
Princes, Prelates, and the Problem of Moneylending in Late Thirteenth-Century Western Europe

Sarah Ifft Decker
Gender, Credit, and the Institution of the Notariate in Medieval Barcelona

Tommaso Stefini
Cash-Waqfs as a Source of Entrepreneurial Credit for Merchants involved in Trade between Bosnia and Venice in the Early Modern Era: some Evidence from Venetian Archival Sources




Lunch for conference speakers