

Brandon Bloch
Poverty as an Economic Question: Josiah Child and Dudley North on the English Settlement Act

William Farrell
Clothing and the Poor in Eighteenth-Century London

Stephen Thompson and Peter Kitson
Charity, Poor Relief, and Poverty in Eighteenth-Century Rural England

Mary Cox
War, Blockades, and Hunger: Nutritional Deprivation of German Children 1914 - 1924

Melissa Tartari
The Determinants of the Educational Performance and Attainment of a Primary School Student: Using Forty Years of Test Score Data from the Decades of Illiteracy Abatement (1881-1920)

Lakshmi Kutty
Scientific Responses to Tuberculosis: Poverty as Mirage

Alisha Holland
Research Note on Historical Records of Squatters in Bogotá

Richard Hornbeck and Suresh Naidu
When the Levee Breaks: Black Migration and Economic Development in the American South

Andrew Edwards
Digging for Fire: Gold, Poverty, and Exchange in the Early Republic

Padraic Scanlan
‘The Anticipated Rewards of Their Exertions’: State Capture and the Economics of the Slave Trade Interdiction, 1808-1820

Alix Lerner
Both Property and Pauper: Slavery, Old Age, and the Inverted Logic of Capitalist Exchange

Marcella Alsan
The Effect of the Tse Tse Fly on African Development

James Feigenbaum
Information and Investment: Evidence from the Expansion of the Postal Services

Tyler Goodspeed
The Great Famine and Irish Loan Funds