International Court of Justice.
30 November 2010.
Mme Mwenze Kisonga Pierrette, chef du service juridique et du contentieux à l’ambassade de la République démocratique du Congo à Bruxelles.



This workshop explores the possibilities of writing legal lives into histories of international law. We explore how international legal cases and materials can be woven into intellectual and social histories of international law. We will discuss how these narratives can usefully highlight the political economy within which these cases, disputes, and negotiations emerged, and map out the unexpected legal geographies traversed by the historical actors that we encounter in them.

Building on the successful workshop on Writing Legal Lives held at the Center for History and Economics at Harvard University in September 2019, this edition of the workshop will explore themes such as the postwar adjudication of international legal disputes and the law and practice of international courts, the legal, political, and social worlds of lesser-known lawyers and jurists involved in the drafting of international legal conventions, and international arbitration around questions of mobility and migration.

Kalyani Ramnath and Surabhi Ranganathan