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This map demonstrates the international scope of the economists working at Cambridge in the first half of the 20th century.



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    This graph is meant to geographically situate the academic careers of Cambridge Economists. At first glance, it seems to emphasize the global reach of the group, but it is equally useful for mapping the local geography of Cambridge itself and the national geography of Britain. The map plots the academic institutions, colored both green (for Cambridge) and red (for all others) with which the economists were affiliated throughout their careers. These are the same institutions featured in previous graphs. The economists (in blue) associated with each institution are plotted with the same geographic coordinates. To see all the nodes at a given location, click the location. Economists who were affiliated, over the course of their lives, with multiple institutions will therefore be depicted in multiple places. Click on the node representing an economist for details of their affiliation with the institution in question. In terms of general observations, it is interesting to note how few economists come from central Europe – Kahn being a notable exception, despite the outpouring of emigres fleeing repressive regimes during the 1930s and 1940s. Additionally, it is interesting to note how there are many more "saltwater" American nodes, concentrated on the East Coast, than "freshwater," Midwestern ones.

    This map was made using a Gephi plugin called GeoLayout combined with another one called Export to Earth. It does not use any edges at all, though an edge dataset is available for download for reference purposes. Instead, it relies on a very large set of nodes – one for each economist in each location. That is, if an economist was associated with four institutions, there would be four nodes for that economist, each with a different lat/lon coordinate set.