« Angoulême in 1764
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With very few exceptions, Angoulême’s Catholic parish registers chronicled three types of life events: baptisms (births), marriages, and deaths. These records form the basis of our reconstruction of Angoulême’s social networks in 1764. This graph presents the 505 births, 327 deaths, and 122 marriages in 1764 in social context.


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There were 327 deaths that were recorded in Angoulême’s parish registers in 1764. Of that number, 128 were of unspecified age. Of the 198 remaining, the data is split between people who were very young and those of more advanced age. 50 of the people who died did not reach their first birthday. 102 were 10 or younger. 74 were 40 or older. The oldest person to die in Angoulême in 1764 was Marguerite Cassaud, at the estimated age of 100. About equal numbers of men and women died, but comparatively far more women survived childhood.